The Institute for Integrated Transitions (IFIT) is pleased to invite you to Elections and Narratives: Ways of Containing Polarisation, an online event hosted by our Narrative Peacebuilding Hub.
Democratic elections are vital, but with so much at stake they can easily polarise. Alina Rocha Menocal and Solon Simmons of IFITโs Inclusive Narratives Practice Group and Amalia Pulido Gรณmez of IFITโs Mexico Peacebuilding Support Group will reflect on some of the important elections occurring across the globe in 2024. Contributing perspectives from different regions and disciplines, the panellists will discuss how narratives are used either to increase polarisation or to improve social engagement in election periods.
Date: Thursday, June 27, 2024, 4-5pm CET
Registration: Please click here to register
Format: Roundtable (30 minutes) followed by Q&A and open discussion (30 minutes)
Moderator: Jasmina Brankovic, Research Associate, IFIT
IFIT Expert Panellists:
- Amalia Pulido Gรณmez, President, Electoral Institute of the State of Mexico
- Solon Simmons, Professor of Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University
- Alina Rocha Menocal, Director, Thinking and Working Politically Community of Practice