Building Resilience and Ensuring Accountability: Toward a Principled Approach to Early Recovery and Recovery in Syria – A Side Event to the Brussels VII Conference
12:00 pm -
2:30 pm
Belgique Room - Belgium III, Thon Hotel EU, Rue de la Loi 75, B-1040 Bruxelles
The event will explore key questions related to early recovery and recovery in Syria and to discuss strategies for ensuring that the principle of “do no harm” is incorporated into the recovery process. The event aims to facilitate a dialogue among stakeholders, including international donors and Syrian civil actors, to foster a shared understanding and promote effective approaches to support the recovery and rehabilitation of Syria.
Date: Monday, 12th June 2023, 12 noon – 2:30pm
Location: In-person at the Thon Hotel EU, ย Rue de la Loi 75, B-1040 Bruxelles โ Belgique, Room: Belgium III.
12 noon – 1:00pm: Panel 1 – Equitable Early Recovery Approach in a Fragmented Country
Hisham Dirani, CEO of Violet and board member of the Syrian NGO Alliance
Lubna Kanawati, Acting executive director at Women Now for Development Syria, and board member of We Exist
Nivign Alhotary, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors for the Women’s Support Unit
Mohammad Alhadj Ali, Chairman of the Syrian Welsh Society and Board Member of Scan UK
1:30pm – 2:30pm: Panel 2 – Ensuring the “Do No Harm” Principle in Recovery Approach
Yara Nsier – Research and monitoring and evaluation manager at LDSPS
Sawsan Abu Zainedin, Co-coordinator of SRG and CEO of Madaniya
Ahmed Al-Dbis, Operations Director at Union Of Medical Relief and Care Organizations (UPSSM)
Shivan Alhaj Ali, Country director at Bahar Organisation
Jelnar Ahmad, Research and monitoring and evaluation manager at IMPACT Civil Society Research and Development (moderator)
Disclaimer: Views, thoughts and opinions expressed during these events reflect solely those of the speakers and do not constitute endorsement by the European Union