/ Transition Assistance
Inside the Transition Bubble: International Expert Assistance in Tunisia
This report looks at the dynamics and impact of international expert assistance in Tunisia in the areas of media reform, security sector reform, judicial reform and youth employment.
Based on extensive field research conducted by IFIT between October 2012 and March 2013, the report identifies lessons and practical recommendations to improve internationals’ engagement and results in the country. It also highlights issues and measures to address system-wide problems in the international response to transitions within and beyond the Arab world. Monica Marks served as lead researcher and author, and Maissa Khattab as project support manager.
The DOI registration ID for this publication is:
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This report looks at the dynamics and impact of international expert assistance in Tunisia in the areas of media reform, security sector reform, judicial reform and youth employment.
Based on extensive field research conducted by IFIT between October 2012 and March 2013, the report identifies lessons and practical recommendations to improve internationals’ engagement and results in the country. It also highlights issues and measures to address system-wide problems in the international response to transitions within and beyond the Arab world. Monica Marks served as lead researcher and author, and Maissa Khattab as project support manager.
The DOI registration ID for this publication is:
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