Country Brain Trusts

IFIT’s pioneering brain trusts creatively pool and harness the unique strengths of local ‘go-between’ leaders to bridge national and community-level processes of dialogue, peacebuilding and transition.

Typically, an IFIT brain trust consists of a multidisciplinary group of 15-18 social, business and political leaders from the particular country, chosen for their policy expertise, personal integrity, influential local networks, and capacity to connect elites and ordinary citizens. A single brain trust might include, for example, the rector of an important national university, the head of the national business council, the country’s chief religious leader, the director of a top local think tank, and so on. These are the go-between leaders whose role is critical in bridging national and community-level processes of dialogue, peacebuilding or transition.

Once the brain trust is in place, IFITโ€™s permanent staff and thematic practice groups offer the brain trust customised training and policy support based on a continuously evolving set of priorities tied to an overall strategic aim (such as facilitating a political settlement or ensuring a successful peacebuilding process) that is embedded in a long-term local vision.

In supporting each brain trust’s impact goals, IFIT seeks to:

The benefits of an IFIT brain trust vary from one case to the next, but above all they offer a catalytic local platform to:

The kind of outcomes achieved by IFIT brain trusts are wide-ranging and include to: